OU blog

Personal Blogs

Sarah Louise North

Saturday 25/03/2023

Visible to anyone in the world


I am sorry for writing in my blog for a while, it has been 50 days since my last entry. So here is a big entry and update in the last 50 days.

I did in fact pass my TMA 03 even though I only did half of it. I have my TMA 05, and this is where I would rally like to get really good marks because this is my qualification on which I am working. It was a no brainer for me, I was going to pick Creative writing. The tutorial last night was great because it was only me and another student, so it was Sarah my tutor who took the tutorial and I am so glad that she only did creative writing. I am on the opinion that if any other student listens to the tutorial and they want to be able to study something other than creative writing and they want to know about the other disciplines then I say they should have come to the tutorial l last night.

I really enjoyed it because not just because it was only me and someone else it was more to do with the fact that I now know how to approach my TMA 05. I am glad I asked about the bibliography because I could not see the point in doing one if it was going to go in question 5. So at least I now have that in my head. I know I did falter about going to this tutorial, but I am glad I did.

I have had it in my head what I am going to write about since block 1. I know that I could do something with it, but this is what it was meant to do, it is all about Delphi and I really enjoyed the classical studies, and it has to do with that I love history which is why I enjoyed it. But I really love the oracle in Delphi at the time I was a bit disappointed that I could not write more about her but now, after seeing my EMA I am glad I was not able to. I don’t know how to write that the protagonist is going to be about her, she is the oracle and he has to bring her home, however he does not want to go back to Delphi but the more closer he gets the more homesick he feels, he realises that he wants to come home, when he brings her home that is when he finds his peace, that is when he realises that not only does he need to come home he needs to rest his anger towards that place, he needs to make peace with Delphi but more than that he needs to forgive, when he finds that peace in his heart, that is when he realises that he has come home, and this time he does not want to go. A bit of a love story, well more of a love interest, but no kissing, to make it about there may be sexual feelings there but that is about it.

I am really looking forward to my TMA 05. I am looking forward to writing it, I am looking forward to researching Delphi more, rereading the material in Block 1, reading about the oracle there is not much about her but I will see if there are any conspiracy theories surrounding her so I may be able to bring some of that into the story to make it a bit like fictional. I am a bit bummed that I had to come to work, I just want to creak on with my TMAs. Then I have a bit of a wait for my results when it comes to the EMA, then there is a wait until October when my next module starts. However, this time round, I will be on my module website when it opens, and I will start studying, I may not have the books, but I will be doing it early.

I will say this, whatever comes first I will be reading or studying. If the books come first I will not only study, I will be doing the activities, so when the website opens up, not only will I have done the activities I will also reread the materials again, so I know it in my head. Start early even if I am ahead then when it comes to my TMAs when people are just starting there is, I will have at least finished, then it will be redrafting so I will get it in on time.

I started this entry on Wednesday but now it is Saturday 25/03/2023 and I although I have studied for this TMA as I only have 13 days until it is due, so this weekend and next weekend but I will not be doing it in a rush. I will finish this week’s study and Tomorrow I will start this week. During the Spring break, I will not stop I will still continue to study because I do not want to miss anything, plus I do not want to ask for an extension or be late for this TMA. I cannot ask for an extension for the TMA so I need all the time I can do so this is the only way I can keep up to date.

I suppose all I am doing is say things that I should be doing but somehow writing it down makes me do it instead of looking to week planner on the website I need to have it down. When the module is over and hopefully pass, I will be on stage 2 and that is going to be a different as that is really looking into my qualification, I think on the next module I will ask the GP to write me a letter about my medical condition and how it affects me because that way not only is it written down, I may be able to get some help with getting an assessment done about my dyslexia and I will have that prove that I am. I am hoping if I get a memory assessment the GP will see if I have ADHD and ASD wish I have but that has to be an assessment. I wish I could get it done privately because it would be nice to know all that time I had in school when I struggled for years, when everyone kept saying I was, still am clumsy that there is a reason for that. But as it is a bit expensive, I guess I will have to wait for the memory assessment. I am hoping that they will notice something because my memory is so bad that it cannot just be the medication I am on, it is something like ASD or ADHD or both mixed in with the medication. I am a little worried but there is no point in worrying about something until there is something to worry about. Well, that is for me so I am going to get on with my TMA and with studying, when I have my TMA 04 back, I will know whether or not I have passed, and I hope to god that I have. It might only be just a pass like I had with TMA 03. I only did half of that, and I still passed with a forty-five and I only need 40% to pass but I did try my best, I just could not get into Jane Eyre, I finished the book but still, it was hard because it is not my type of genre. But I still need to make myself read books that I would not really read because that is how I learn what type of books I want to write, and I will become a writer because that is why I am taking this degree. I want to write and the only way I can do that is if I write and read books on how they wrote things. That is why reading like a writer in the module seems so obvious but at the same time it is not because you do not know how to do something, but you know you have to do them. I really liked that part of the module so that is how I read books which is really strange because since I have started reading like a writer, I have started to read some of my favourite books and I can see what I would have done differently but at the same time I like how it is written otherwise I wouldn’t have like the series, but, for me there are things I would have done differently and that is OK because that is my personality coming out.

I will write soon and not leave it as long as I have.

Bye for now.




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