OU blog

Personal Blogs

Sarah Louise North

Sunday 02/04/2023

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Edited by Sarah Louise North, Monday, 24 July 2023, 12:18

Good morning,

It has been 1 week since I last wrote and I am feeling good. I am up to date with my studying and I am now studying for my TMA 05. I started it yesterday and I can't believe it is nearly the end of the module it has flown by. I am looking forward to do writing my TMA 05 because I want to have feedback to see whether it is a good idea or whether I should just come up with another idea. I am bit nervous about the feedback but I am not the only person in the world that feels like that, so I am just going to bite the bullet and go with it.

I have got my 'Studying Creative Writing' book that was suggested in the archives, I would only get to borrow it for 21 days and although that is a long time I would rather have it as it is the book that is going to get me through to my Degree so I brought it on Amazon. I have also brought other books not on Kindle because I would rather have it in book form just in case I want to write in it, not that I will have found so index cards that I will use if I want to make any notes, if I am not sure where it is in on the page I can put in pencil marks that I can then rub out.

I have bought 2 books about Delphi and the Oracle since I wanted to do more research on it as my main character is a recantation of her, I am also making that the main man in the book is a recantation of Apollo. I am going to make Apollo and the Oracle lovers in the past so it is written that they will be together but at the moment they are just not happy with each other. I am looking forward to writing y EMA but I have come to a bit of a stand still so I am going to do what has been suggested in the books which is freewriting. I am writing in this blog because 1. I wanted to exercise my fingers so I can practise touch typing, I like to stretch out my fingers with finger yoga. I only know how to do some of it so it does look like I will have to look at exercises on fingers. 

2. I am also writing in this blog today because one of the suggested activates in the study module is, you need to get you mind flowing and exercise your mind. To do that when you wake in the morning it is best to start writing which is why a lot of writers always use pen & paper because setting up your laptop or just turning it on wakes you up more so it is best to start writing so when you write about absolutely nothing, something will come out in those precious moments. I did try that and I was still half asleep but I had nothing to say which means I was awake enough to know that I needed to write something so I went on how I was just awake and nothing was coming to me. So, to be better at it in the morning when I do wake up I am going to wake up, go turn the light on then sit at my desk and start writing using pen & paper. I don't know if it will work but the more I do it the better it will become so that is my plan. I gave up after 1 try so I am going to keep up with it.

Now that I am writing, I have my schedule that I will be using to day. I have set my phone up for the week to go off at certain times telling me what I need to be doing, and I have set alarms for the weekend. 

I also think that I am in a good mood because when my books get here, I will also have my dictaphone voice recorder that I am going to be using for my day school which is next week (not this week coming up) I leave on the Friday, I cannot get into the B&B until 2:00pm but, that does not mean I cannot leave home early and have a look around or go out of my way a bit to go to the beach, however I may just do that on the Monday before I leave, go to the beach then go home. I may leave early go to the 

The Fitzwilliam Museum

that will be awesome. I have never been and it would be nice to go to a museum and I may not be studying art for my EMA, but that does not mean that I do not appreciate art and the hard work take to create something so beautiful. I may create with words they create with objects, paints, portraits or all the above. Since it should be really quite because it is on a school day, unless there is a school trip it will also be nice to site & write for my EMA and I will be able to put that in my reflective commentary. Since I will be going to the day school, I am also going to write down like the chaos about Cambridge University because if being in a foster care, group home, then I guess with a lot of children to young adults there will be chaos and fights, yelling and shouting. It will go in my EMA. Unless my tutor tells me that it is a bad idea. Well, it looks like I will have to convince her. 

What i will do is add so pictures in this blog so it may help me when I am studying Stage 2 of my degree that I can do it and I will need to go out get some inspiration. 

Talk to you soon.     



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