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Sarah Louise North

Sunday 07/04/2023

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Edited by Sarah Louise North, Sunday, 9 Apr 2023, 07:47

It has been 7 days since my last entry. I don’t usually write this early but have submitted my TMA 05 on time. I submitted it, I think just before 8:00 pm. I had already done my TMA 05 it just needed editing. I am thinking of writing my story than writing questions so people can fill it in so I can know what needs to be rewritten. I don’t think we send it out to people for a review, I mean I am not asking if they can edit my work but, just to read it so I can see what other people think of my story. I mean, I will have Toni, Dana, and Dad read it. I will see if anyone on my team can read it so I can get some honesty. I may ask my tutor to see whether or not that is allowed. The answer is most likely a resounding ‘no’ but if I am asking other people that I know to read it, it would be OK if I asked strangers to read it, then why not ask someone to read it, not so I can print it but to read it and give me some honest feedback. Again, it may be a no but here is hoping.

I have added a picture that inspired my EMA story. I like the picture so much that I paid money for the picture to be put on an overall ornament. I have it stuck to my wall. I just really like it. The picture is added below.  

I don’t know where to start. I am reading materials, but I have no idea if this is something I am allowed to do. I know about the books because I said I was going to read them but the Writers Bureau, it seems a little out of date, but it may give me some tips on the layout of a story. I don’t know that part and I don’t want to lose marks because of not know how to lay out the story not the story itself.

I may go to YouTube and see what I can learn about something like that. I will let you know when my TMA 05 score is in.

Next Friday I go to Cambridge. Like always I am going to make the journey part of my weekend getaway as I am not likely going to go on holiday this year, not due to the studying but that does not mean I cannot study, in fact, I could study in the morning, have a bit of a sleep in the afternoon then I will have all afternoon to be able to do whatever I want. I will not write or study on one day during that week, so I can have a day out. I want to go back to the Isle of White. I really enjoyed it there also, I was going to go back in 2020 but the week before I went lockdown happened and I haven’t been back, this year will be 3 years, so I need to go back to the same apartment I loved there. I think I will book up for next year, I will not go during TMA week, I will go the week after. I will go on Friday, I will have the TMA day off then go on Friday stay overnight at a hotel then go to the ferry on Saturday, even if that means I cannot get into the apartment until the afternoon, I can go shopping go out on that day, then I would have done what I want to do. Have the rest of the day Saturday – Saturday but I will travel home on the Saturday very early like I did last time. Get home and spend the rest of the day in bed on Sunday & have Monday off. Sound like a plan? If only I can do something like that again, I may be able to do that if I book for the year after I can pay for it this year then when it comes to next year, I can book off 8 days. I think that will be OK. I will not book during the holiday or when the OU are at peak. Just a random 8-day holiday.

I will see what I can do.

Talk later x  

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Hi Sarah,

What a lovely picture I am sure it would inspire you to write a great story!  Best of  luck with your EMA, hope you get good marks for it!

Best wishes

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What module are you taking Sarah ?

I am taking English and French.

Good luck!