OU blog

Personal Blogs

Sarah Louise North

Tuesday 23/05/2023

Visible to anyone in the world


It is now all over. I have completed my EMA and submitted it. I have done a perdition and the perdition states I will pass even if I get the minimum, so I am hoping that I will get a better grade than that.

I can’t believe that is now over. It seems like I have only just started but it is now over Stage 1 is now complete and I will get my Certificate of Higher Education. Stage 2 begins in October, and although people at the day school said that they have enjoyed Creative Writing they have not picked that as their option. Some of the students said for Stage 2 they will study the literature side first before studying Creative Writing. There is no right or wrong answer to this as you can study either one first. However, me, I will go with the suggestion first which is the A215 Creative Writing which is a compulsory module anyway. Then study literature I have a choice of 2 modules. A230 Reading and studying literature or A233 Telling Stories: the novel and Beyond. I already have what I want to study already, I will study A223 Telling Stories: the novel and Beyond. For the A223 there are a lot of reading materials that need to be read. I have already bought some books and downloaded the story on my phone so I can get a heads-up. I haven’t started reading them yet but now that A112 is over I can start listening to them and when I’ve finished reading/listening, I’ll write a review of the book for myself so when it is discussed in a book club, I know there is a book club in the second part which I am looking forward to, I will be able to have a skim through of the book before it’s discussed and look at my review. To be fair you don’t have to read all the books, there is a star next to a few and you only need to read one of them but, the more I read the better I will be plus although I will not need to read the books until I am studying A223 module, I thought if I start reading now, and I am not intending to read all the book before I start the next module, it is said the more you read the better writer you will be and since I want to be a writer and the books I read for fun are not the kind of literature that the A223 module is asking you to read.

I finished my EMA on Thursday 18/05/2023 and I am writing this blog on the 23rd I know this is late but now that it is over, I can’t believe that 1) I stuck to it and completed a module. It is so hard for me to focus and stay motivated. It has been a struggle but this time round I am going to do my utmost best to stay ahead, not ask for extensions unless I need to. 2) On Friday 19th I was so tired. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Restless leg syndrome, swelling of the legs, arthritis in my hips, depression, and dyslexia, and that is just for starters. Let’s just say I have a lot of problems; I take 36 tablets a day so that should tell you something. Anyway, because of dealing with all of that when the module was over, I was like wow!!! I can’t believe how tired I got and how much pressure it was but not in a bad way and 3), I can’t wait until the next module starts. I don’t know what to do with myself, to be honest, someone mentioned to me about studying some OpenLearn courses, they are for free, and if I study a course not only will it help me when it comes to starting stage 2, but I won’t board, I am going to start today reading some of the reading material from the 2nd part of stage 2.

I will write again when I have my results.         

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