They are in. When I was finally able to get on to StudentHome I had my results on my computer but I could not look. I didn't want. I worked hard on my EMA. I thought that if I failed, that's OK I can do a resubmit. But I didn't want to fail. My daughter said she would wait with me but she had to get ready for work so I needed to do it fast. I looked - I PASSED!!!!!!!I am so happy. I am already registered for A215 Creative Writing - first half of stage 2 - SFE approved. What I am doing now is applying for DSA which is driving me mad. I have to print off the last page, sign it, then scan it back on my computer. This is where it gets messy. Because I work for the OU & a student I know that when it comes to the DSA forms in section 5, you don't have to ask the OU to complete it. You can send it to SFE who will then pass it over to the OU. But that is not what the email sent to me by SFE said. They want me to pass it to the OU have them complete it then pass it back to me, for me to forward it to SFE. DSA from the OU has said no, just pass it back to SFE. I did but then SFE passed it back to me asking me to give it to the OU to complete.
So as you can see, it's getting messy and to the point that I'm thinking I really can't be bothered with this crap anymore. But, I will do it. I am going to email SFE and put the email that DSA from the OU sent to show SFE that I am not making it up & that I have given permission for the OU & SFE to talk about me behind my back lol, you know what I mean. Let's see where that gets me.
As I have stated, or maybe I haven't I can't remember. The next module workbook I have already got. Not because the OU sent it to me early or anything, I found it on Amazon. I am studying it so when the module opens up I will have studied the workbook and done most of the activities. The reason why I have not completed all the activities is that when I do study the module and I have to study the workbook, it will give me a chance to recap what the chapter is about. Also, it will give me a chance to practice what I am learning from the module so it is not all about just reading but if I practice with the activities, also there are a lot of really good activities in the workbook that are worth doing again. The activities that I do are the ones to do with the readings that are at the back of the book, I write down certain words that I know may course me problems like me not understanding them. I have decided to create my own noticeboard which I have done. Information that I think will be something I need to remember forever not just for this module, like creating character and ideas on how to do that. It's really good so it is taking me some time but as the days are getting closer together to start the module, I need to get my butt into gear and study. I get up at 3:45 in the morning, & I study as much as I can before having a shower, getting dressed, and ready for work. OK, so I have been working from home but I don't really want to go to work. I like working from home because when I finish, I'm at home so I don't have to worry about driving anywhere. I will say that I do prefer working from home. I was under the impression that I would be like I will need to leave the house so it will get me up but no, I like working from home so I think I will do this. It's only the 2 days a month that I need to go into work which is once a month, which is not next week but the week after.
Just wanted give an update on my results so I should start writing again soon, maybe in the next few weeks but it will be before the module start date which is the 7th of October, but the module website opens up on the 13th of September. I do hope that I have not only studied the workbook but I have completed the OpenLearn courses then I can have the badges on my StudnetHome page.
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Congratulations Sarah!🏆That's great you did well!
Best wishes