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Leighah Beadle-Darcy

The 'Resting Tide' and The Festive Season/Post Christmas

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Edited by Leighah Beadle-Darcy, Thursday, 18 Jan 2024, 14:26

Here we are back at studies and the new year. Technically, in terms of the 'agricultural year' and how certain paths see the turning year, we are in what sometimes gets called 'The Resting Tide' (generally November, December, January). In the Natural world, some animals hibernate during at least some of this time if not all, people are more inclined (in Northern Hemisphere) to spend more time indoors, perhaps more withdrawn and keeping warm. You may have noticed these energetic changes in yourselves, and yet studies still need to be completed. 

I made a podcast episode on the subject, so take a listen if you feel inclined. 

The Resting Tide of the year and the Festive Season | Wear the Dress (or whatever alternative you like) (podbean.com)

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