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Kate Blackham

Still waiting...

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Edited by Kate Blackham, Wednesday, 6 Mar 2024, 19:41

I seem to have had a big bump in my traffic lately.  👋

If you're here about taking part in my Christian cosmologies project you'll need to wait until after Easter. I have my questionnaire fairly well developed now, but don't have ethics approval to launch it yet. And truth be told, getting ethics approval isn't a priority this week or next as I have an essay deadline.

If you've gotten all excited about my PhD application process, well that's nice, thank you. But who knows how long that will take. I think I was given a date for when the decision would be made but I turned into a human beetroot and it went in one ear and out of the other. They wrote to my referees last week, so clearly the interview did go well. But it still very much depends on who I'm up against.

I got my EOI in for applying for FHEA on Monday. It's another competitive process with only 80 places per cohort. Which sounds like a lot, but when you have literally thousands of ALs like me teaching the modules, and then all the central academic staff who wrote the materials, well there's often oversubscription (which was precisely why they brought in the EOI process - it's new for this cohort). I talked about my postgraduate certificate in online teaching (via the OU's H880) and about how I support students, using fancy terminology I'd picked up from the PGCert OT. So that's another waiting game as well.

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