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Kate Blackham

An autistic writing style?

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Edited by Kate Blackham, Tuesday, 19 Mar 2024, 09:34

I'm within sight of the end of my current essay and I need a brain break so I'm going to write a blog post instead 😆

I write weirdly.

You'd never know because you're looking at the end product, but I don't write 'like other people do'.

I basically form entire sections in my head and then put them down on paper wholesale, complete and with very few revisions. I don't do drafts and revisions. I wouldn't know how to...

I don't know if that's an autistic thing, but I certainly get the impression that it's not what you're 'supposed' to do. 

In other news I've been approved to apply for Fellowship of AdvanceHE. 😁

That is all, back to the brain grindstone.

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