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Leighah Beadle-Darcy

The Cleansing Tide/Springtime

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Edited by Leighah Beadle-Darcy, Wednesday, 20 Mar 2024, 15:34

Here we are in the Springtime already, and heading towards EMAs and exams before we even know it. 

But let's just pause and breathe a minute and not run ahead of ourselves and cause ourselves anxiety!

This season of the year is one where we are naturally wired to spring clean (of course, Australia etc is in a different season), and it is also a time when, if we are aligned with natural energy in Nature, we may more easily plant seeds of ideas.

If you feel inclined, have a listen to my short podcast episode on The Cleansing Tide:

 A brief intro to the Cleansing Tide of the Year | Wear the Dress (or whatever alternative you like) (podbean.com)

What might you need to clean up within your studies and what seeds might you benefit from planting there to help as we go into the Growing Tide and the final exams and EMAs?

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