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Kate Blackham

I'm sad

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I just turned down the tuition-only PhD.

My husband is adamant it's for the best and that PhDs are unrelentingly grim (he had a thoroughly miserable time during his doctorate at Oxford). And logically, I know he's right - not about the grimness, but that it's for the best. I know so many people who have PhDs but haven't managed to get a permanent job in academia despite several postdocs/fellowships. Weirdly I'm in a better position than many of the people I know who do have PhDs, at least I have a permanent contract at the OU. It sucks though. It really sucks.

I'm going to have a sad day today while I feel sorry for myself and then knuckle down and get my paper and the rest of my marking done over the Easter break.

The E1 form is in really good shape, just needed a few tweaks. My supervisor is confident it will pass with no problem, so I'm hopeful I can release the questionnaire over the Easter break too.

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