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Kate Blackham

Second journal article resubmitted

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So I finally got the major revisions done on my second article at the end of last week. I'm now a complete ball of angst. I am assuming they are sending it back out for review, that it will come back and I need to do more revisions and then finally we get to do copyediting and publication.

I am hopeful that it will eventually be published. At some points the only thing that kept me going was the fact that I will be able to wave it (and my other, also sole-authored, paper) in front of PhD interview panels and prove to them that I am perfectly capable of coming up with publishable work and seeing it through to the bitter end all by myself and that, perhaps, one day I will be lucky enough that a PhD supervisor will finally let me be their fully-funded student.

And if all else fails, if I keep plugging away and eventually pick one topic area to stop in, I will produce enough material to get a PhD the hardest way - by published work.

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