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Personal Blogs

Kate Blackham

Good News! Bad News!

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Got the feedback on my major revisions for my journal article - they're very happy with the updated version - can I just make two very small changes and then they're are happy to accept the paper. Done and returned and hoping it's on to copy-edit now.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that my supervisor appears to have not noticed that I have an extension due to disability reasons and is warning me that my essay is late and will be capped at 50%.

I reminded him of my (personal) deadline that he was warned about. Unleashed the full horror of the laundry list on him - I have panic disorder, unnecessarily provoking me into a panic state is neither helpful nor advisable. I've also looped in the Humanities Wellbeing advisor (who set up my new deadline and officially notified my supervisor via the correct channel) so she can take whatever actions are necessary.

Logically I know everything is going to come out in the wash. But it's simply not helpful and I could do without the hassle right now.

On the positive side I guess it's something to think about for my impending FHEA application - the importance of being mindful of the extenuating circumstances and disabilities of your students during interactions with them.

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