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Kate Blackham

Speed dating and FHEA - The end of the academic year

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Edited by Kate Blackham, Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 17:29

I thought I try to create a really click-baity title this time. Any thoughts?

The speed dating I'm alluding to is an event (this week I think) that the eSTEeM folks are running to get ALs and other staff in the STEM faculty together to talk about running projects asessing student progress, engagement etc., i.e. the SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) I mentioned in a previous post. I'm not going to that. I don't have any ideas for SoTL projects to run and debate about in a matching event. I already feel awkward most of the time, I don't need to feel awkward with nothing to talk about. However, it's great that this event is running and people are going to start thinking about running a research project as they might be needing the help of someone with a shiny new distinction in their master's level social sciences research methods module. I want to say a big thank you to all my anonymous participants, it wouldn't have been possible without your support. 

My major concern for the next month is getting my FHEA statement written. I basically have to write an essay of (I think) 3,000 words and I need to get it to my line manager by mid-July so he has time to write a reference. I only need the one reference as my other 'reference' will be a fistful of marking assessments and a reflective piece on how reflecting on what my peers have said about my marking has improved the way I work. So I have a shed-load to write in the next month. My husband keeps telling me 'it's only supposed to be a few days work', but of course I'm autistic and a workaholic.

My archaeoastronomy paper is currently going through copy-edit. Apparently they're planning for it to be published later this summer.

I've got an old history of astronomy essay that I reformatted and submitted to a student competition (prize was publication in an American journal). When I didn't win the competition I just put it aside and carried on with my astronomy master's. It had a really high mark, so thought I'd send it off, just in case.

There's another potential archaeoastronomy site similar-ish to the location of the subject of my paper (i.e. another medieval church building) that I've done some basic fieldwork on. It's a fascinating location and might be really important. So I'd like to get my teeth into that after my FHEA essays are written.

While researching for my archaeoastronomy paper I came across the British Association for Local History and their journal The Local Historian, which runs an annual competition for essays on pre-1600 local history. It should be academic but widely accessible (local historians are generally very intelligent and knowledgeable but have little formal training in history or historiography). I figure I should have have a go at writing an essay for them too, based on my paper and the research I'm conducting at the second site.

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