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Personal Blogs

Emma Langford

12 Weeks of Summer

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Edited by Emma Langford, Wednesday, 14 Aug 2024, 15:58

What my kids did - lakes and mountains, fishing and jetskis, planes and road trips, lacrosse tournaments and swim meets, college visits and swim camps, hikes and waterparks, ziplines and tubing, cut down trees and fixed a fence. Atlanta, Sinclair, Oconee, Boston, Kremmling, Steamboat, Eagle, Athens, Gainesville, Palm Coast, Charlotte, Columbia. 

What I did - drove them to all of the above things, kept the fridge full, got stung by a bee and bitten by a spider, and soaked in 25 spectacular books - Hornby, Adichie, McDermott, Dickinson, Sebold, another Hornby, Chekhov, Hughes, Franzen, Atkinson, Conrad, Shakespeare, Ng, Coetzee, Edwards, Faber, Milton, McEwan, another Faber, Levi, Clare, Carroll, Atwood, Keyes, another Atwood. 💙📚

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