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In kitchen, no specs


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Edited by Jane Williams, Tuesday, 17 Sept 2024, 17:43

I'm signed up for a bunch of OU talks - some from the library, some from the Student Hub. This uses a new (to me) video conferencing tool, Adobe Connect. So it's been downloaded, and so far I've attended one talk. All seems very straightforward, though I'm not yet sure how I get a copy of the chat.

One thing I did notice was that when the slides are being shared, I can click on a link in the slide, and it works!

I did one yesterday from the Library, about reference management tools. Fascinating! I probably won't need it for my OU studies this year or the next, but I can use one of those to get my WEA notes under control.

Later this afternoon there's "Am I too old for this: age is just a number?". The reminder email tells me I can download the slides in advance, so I'll do that.

And in "freshers week" (24th Sep) I have a few more lined up. 

Note to self: list of more to sign up for!

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