OU blog

Personal Blogs

Alan Frederick Richards

7. Watching and Waiting ...

Visible to anyone in the world

After ten days, I am slightly more confident finding my way round the website.

There are several places that look like Home - StudentHome, Study, Postgraduate Arts and Humanities. But the important one is the A802 Home site. It has a system of tabs that think I almost understand now - not helped by different versions on the laptop and phone.

It's like swimming through jelly but I have done a few things.

  • Weeks 1 to 3 as far as I can, with bits of writing ready for assessment via the Tutor Group Forum.
  • Looking at TMAs and the dozens of pages of guidelines and advice.
  • A first attempt at a short story that may become TMA 01.
  • Battling, unsuccessfully, with the Library facilities. 
  • Trying to get Adobe Connect to work after years of using a laptop with disabled camera and microphone.

 I know that all will become clearer when Tutors are assigned. At least, I hope so ...


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