A lot has happened in two weeks. First, some unfortunate incidents outside A802.
Nine days ago, I tripped while walking along the pavement. Entirely my fault. I was busy looking something up on my phone to make a facetious comment for a Forum entry. Flat on my face, hitting my head on the pavements, but, fortunately, no broken wrists. I won't give you the gory details. My black eye is slowly disappearing. I think I have cracked ribs, which still hurt at night, but otherwise recovery is almost complete.
That's not all. On Saturday I went to London to see friends, with my wife. She did the driving and we had a nice day, visiting a museum and seeing a brilliant performance of Guys and Dolls at the Bridge Theatre by Tower Bridge. I won't give details of the nightmare that followed - but my wife spent two days in A & E, and neither of us slept much. She was discharged on Monday and I drove home. It was a rare complication of COVID, from which she is now fully recovered. I have a minor infection which I probably caught from her. It may be COVID.
Meanwhile, I am so glad that I have kept ahead of things with the course. I was never worried about getting behind. I will do a separate blog about the course ...
13. Halfway Through Block 1 ...
A lot has happened in two weeks. First, some unfortunate incidents outside A802.
Nine days ago, I tripped while walking along the pavement. Entirely my fault. I was busy looking something up on my phone to make a facetious comment for a Forum entry. Flat on my face, hitting my head on the pavements, but, fortunately, no broken wrists. I won't give you the gory details. My black eye is slowly disappearing. I think I have cracked ribs, which still hurt at night, but otherwise recovery is almost complete.
That's not all. On Saturday I went to London to see friends, with my wife. She did the driving and we had a nice day, visiting a museum and seeing a brilliant performance of Guys and Dolls at the Bridge Theatre by Tower Bridge. I won't give details of the nightmare that followed - but my wife spent two days in A & E, and neither of us slept much. She was discharged on Monday and I drove home. It was a rare complication of COVID, from which she is now fully recovered. I have a minor infection which I probably caught from her. It may be COVID.
Meanwhile, I am so glad that I have kept ahead of things with the course. I was never worried about getting behind. I will do a separate blog about the course ...