Hello, I didn't realise this was here or how to use it but I'm excited I found it!
I am actually in the middle of a maths lesson but I got distracted when found this blog, I will go back to it shortly but for now I just want to say:
Hello blog! this is going to be a great place for me to logĀ my thoughts and feelings and how I am getting on with my course over the next 6 years or possibly longer is I choose to pursue (is that spelled correctly?) a masters or other learning.
I am going to enjoy coming back and reading all these blog posts to see where my head was at where my feeling where, what are my stresses and what am I going to do about it??? Lots to write and discuss, this is going to be great for my mental health and to be able to talk and get it all out. and if other students find value in my babbling then that is also great!! feel free to share your thoughts/comments/advice as I am here to learn and to grow and become a better more well informed human being!
Wow my own personal blog post!
Hello, I didn't realise this was here or how to use it but I'm excited I found it!
I am actually in the middle of a maths lesson but I got distracted when found this blog, I will go back to it shortly but for now I just want to say:
Hello blog! this is going to be a great place for me to logĀ my thoughts and feelings and how I am getting on with my course over the next 6 years or possibly longer is I choose to pursue (is that spelled correctly?) a masters or other learning.
I am going to enjoy coming back and reading all these blog posts to see where my head was at where my feeling where, what are my stresses and what am I going to do about it??? Lots to write and discuss, this is going to be great for my mental health and to be able to talk and get it all out. and if other students find value in my babbling then that is also great!! feel free to share your thoughts/comments/advice as I am here to learn and to grow and become a better more well informed human being!