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Portrait of Xenia Rochelle Jones

Completed my MA in the Social Sciences!

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Edited by Rochelle Jones, Monday, 27 Nov 2017, 16:34

big grin

Just recieved the great news - after struggling with forensic psychology for an entire year doing a resit on the finals, I have done it, I completed the module which means I have done it, I have achieved my MA. Oh my Lord, I can't believe it. Thank you all the goodwill in the universe - thank you my most beloved husband for the fantastic support - there is no need to drive me for hours on end to attend an exam. And thank you to all my inspirations - the tropics, pokemon, Porky Arthur and Dwight David, and to all my friends - you have so enriched my life and you are so much a part of this current milestone. Thank you, thank you.


I guess the next step is a PhD. But Im gonna take a little break till the next proposal for October. Thank you so much Open University - my tutors, my fellow students - you have made this achievement possible. I will be forever grateful for the rest of my days!


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Many many congratulations Xenia smile .  I can almost feel the excitement in your post.  That's a great achievement.  Be very proud of yourself.

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Xenia, many congratulations, walk tall. 
Portrait of Xenia Rochelle Jones

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Thank you Susan and Henry - Im going to try and 'walk tall' today!

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well done, what an achievement - its an inspiration to all of us working towards our goals.

enjoy it - you certainly deserve it!!