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Nathan Lomax

Mindmap - PLE

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Edited by Nathan Lomax, Wednesday, 15 Jul 2009, 21:19

I have been playing around with Compendium and getting frustrated about not being able to put in my own icons or arrows - maybe I am slow on the uptake but I don't find it very user friendly.

Here's my mindmap - quite basic but these are the main tools I use:


  • How do the various arguments (for and against VLE/PLEs) align with your own experience?

I am going to sit on the fence and say a combination of both is best. PLEs can be a less formal and more dynamic environment but institutional VLEs can serve as a kind of anchor in cyberspace.

  • Are you broadly in favour of PLEs/use of Web 2.0 in an educational context?

It is hard not to be in favour of this, but the challenge for learning is to effectively navigate and use information.

  • Or do you foresee a number of issues and problems?

Issues include getting easily distracted from the task in hand and, as discussed in the podcast, finding a suitable framework for assessment.

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