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Act. 27.2 Student life

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Consider the life of a student in your context and write notes in answer to the questions below.

  1. What action has been taken to make sure that disabled students are able to take part in the same non-teaching activities as other students?

The students are welcomed to take part in non-teaching activities and they are not left alone to find their way in the school or generally as they are supported not only from special teachers but from all the staff.  If they acknowledge their disability then they are able to take part in the same non-teaching activities as the teachers and the rest of the staff is responsible to create alternative activities for disabled students.

  1. What other action could be taken?

The teachers and other members of the staff to be near the disabled students and before hand to ask them what they actually need in order to be able to follow up the non-teaching activities.

  1. In your view, which role in your context carries the responsibility for ensuring that such action is taken?

The director of the school has this responsibility that everything goes well with all the students.



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