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Saskia de Wit

Activity 3.8 Schon ideas related to current times

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Edited by Saskia de Wit, Sunday, 5 Feb 2012, 19:31

powerful ideas of the 21st century that could be considered as  ideas in good currency

  • Terrorism and war
  • Climate and energy
  • Financial transparancy and accountability
  • Arabic spring, what will it mean?
  • Globalisation

How do these connect?

How much does this little list represent me and my world view. How would someone in Syria think, what will someone with a middle income, on social benefit think?

It should be pretty universal, shouldn't it?

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Hi Saski..it should be universal but it is'nt..especially to some one on Social benefits..who are too poor to care about anything but themselves and thats how it should be..those among the strongest of society should be doing something(OCCUPY spring to mind but I'm not sure I trust them that much..these are the people that will be running the country soon..will they sell out their principles for a good place in society?)..Hope your well..Anthony.