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A breakthrough against the BNP

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It appears I have succeeded in communicating with the Asian community, via my workplace, about how important it is to oppose the BNP. 

I had a conversation with a work colleague who has many connections in the Asian community in a certain town whose name I decline to mention. 

He photocopied an article I showed to him which was from "Searchlight".  He distributed it to his friends and associates, and he said that they showed considerable interest in it.  He had spoken to them about some of the things that I had mentioned, including how important it is for the BNP to lose its deposit in as many constituencies as possible. 

One of these friends had heard about a BNP march in Nottingham, and decided to organise some transport to attend the counter-demonstration.  He organised a coach, two minibuses, two 7-seater people carriers and a car full of British Asians to attend it. 

In spite of much more colourful episodes when I was a student, this is probably the biggest single contribution to anti-fascism in England that I have ever (however indirectly) made.

I fight on.  

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