OU blog

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Edited by Billy Fagan, Tuesday, 27 Oct 2009, 16:02

So this is my new home for the next while. Who am I and why should you read my blog?

Well, I'm Billy(thekid - no really) and there are probably thousands of reasons to read my blog, however none of those will stand you in good stead for your own personal development, so I can't condone frivolous blog reading.

For anyone still with me I'll use this blog to catalogue my journey through my OU learning experience.

I'm enrolled at the time of writing on MU120 - Open Maths and M150 Data, Computing and Information. I'm hoping to eventually gain a degree in some computing discipline, again at time of writing I'm linked to B29 BSC(Hons) Computing.

I've been interested in computing stuff for ages, I remember writing(copying) a BASIC program on my sister's Sinclair Spectrum 128K +2 computer as a kid that made an analogue clock. It took about 3 days of typing and when I ran it I realised I couldn't actually save it anywhere! I think this formed a keen bond between myself and the home computer which still exists today. In fact I am continually excited and amazed, frustrated and upset by this relationship still, much like with my partner Catty!

So I've finally bitten the bullet and decided to get some formal training on this stuff, with an extended view of gaining some employment in the area in the future.

I'm not a complete newbie as I've mentioned and as such I'm, perhaps foolishly, throwing caution to the wind and using my personal PC for the course. It's currently running Ubuntu Linux and most course software is operating so far so good under WINE. I'm sure this'll give me the added stress of trying to find equivalent software at times, but anyone into Linux in any capacity is already familiar with that particular dance.

At the end of the day(gawd I hate that phrase) I'm still a student embarking on the earliest days of my open learning (in fact any higher education - I'm a plumber to trade after leaving school at 16 into an apprenticeship) path and I hope to use this blog to document this particular part of my life.

I can be found around teh interwebz at various places such as my other blog and my twitter.  I'm happy to help anyone out when I can and I'm not shy on asking for that help either, so you'll no doubt see me around!


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