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Matthew Moran

H800 Week 11, Activity A3b (and again)

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Edited by Matthew Moran, Wednesday, 28 Apr 2010, 21:18

Other benefits of ICT

Is open/distance learning the main beneficiary?

My instinct is that this is so, but I don't know enough about contemporary conditions in formal, classroom-based teaching and learning. Perhaps open and distance learning is less thoroughly regulated than school-based learning; perhaps it is able to adopt new technologies more quickly and less controversially; perhaps it necessarily seeks to fit with people's preferred 'living technologies' (as opposed to restrictive, specialised learning technologies).

The disbenefits

As well as the possible health risks, I'm aware of a lack of support for learners new to using ICTs for study, especially in terms of using Web 2.0 tools effectively. For some time I've been wondering if we need a handbook,  The Good Web 2.0 Study Guide, for students new to this world of study.

Moreover, ICTs for learning may be a barrier to learning for some people (be it an economic, cultural or a psychological/preferential barrier). And they may be perceived as faddish or gimicky, thereby adding to the perception that technology-enhanced learning is less serious than 'proper' study in a physical institution.

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The Good Web 2.0 Study Guide, an interesting idea Matthew but with the racy pace of change - it needs to be an editable wiki - perhaps you could start it in wikipedia and we could all contribute as we learn more.thoughtful
