OU blog

Personal Blogs

Matthew Moran

New courses, old tensions

Visible to anyone in the world

Ever since the first OU lecture was filmed and long before, there have been tensions between academics and the producers of open and distance learning materials. The tensions are brought to the surface by changing delivery patterns in the following ways:

  • New ways of working pose questions about traditional roles and may lead faculty members to feel insecure and exposed
  • Academics may see themselves as being on the wrong side of a digital divide with the student and LTS on the other
  • The resulting confusion and discomfort about roles may lead to paralysis (‘I don’t know what to do or how to write any more, and I just can’t get started …’)
  • Or they may lead to misunderstandings about new, different roles (‘But I though you were doing that …’)
  • ‘Oh, but it’s alright, LTS know what they’re doing – they’ll sort it out …’.


Course teams are changing roles, too. This may be a difficult and trying experience. Sensitivity is required in handling the emotional aspect of the change.

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