OU blog

Personal Blogs

Matthew Moran

Promising the earth

Visible to anyone in the world

Avoid proposing or promising to deliver technology-enhanced solutions unless you are certain they can be achieved.

Sadly, it is not always possible to do in the VLE all the things we are used to doing in the Web 2.0 world. You may be thinking ‘It must be possible to do this or that’, but beware – it may not be as cheap or straightforward as it seems.

Be honest and realistic about the possibilities. If in doubt, try it out. If still in doubt, forget the technology and keep it simple – pencil and paper are seldom the wrong technological choice.


Good learning design adds value in ways independent of technology. It should result in smooth handovers, improve the structure and presentation of the content, and enhance the skills and confidence of the faculty, while enriching the learner’s experience.

Good management of expectations is important to building confidence in media-faculty relations and overcoming nervousness about new ways of working.

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