OU blog

Personal Blogs

Matthew Moran

Supporting the learning

Visible to anyone in the world

The online delivery of learning material raises questions about how we work and how learners study. Everyone’s learning.

We used to know our roles, what we were supposed to be doing. Now it’s like we’re learning with the student, like we have become the student …

Most students will be new to learning online and may need skills support.

The same skills may not be available in the faculty team or even among the members of the media team. So the question must be:

Can we all do what we are asking the student to do?

This may mean that media staff are required to teach the teachers so they can teach the learners. This can be at all levels and in all contexts, from helping CTAs to tag documents in Structured Content to showing course chairs how to use a wiki, or explaining online activities to tutors to enable them to assess collaborative work.


If the student needs to learn new skills, chances are the same goes for faculty team members and others such as tutors. Chances are perhaps you do, too!

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