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vector drawing of Clive Hilton

Ummm, I thought that might happen...

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Edited by Clive Hilton, Wednesday, 10 Mar 2010, 12:59

For some time now, one of my work machines has been a bit temperamental and I'd begun to think that perhaps it's time to retire the beastie. It was fully backed up a couple of days ago, but since then I've created some heavyweight photoshop files on it (about 500MB each). Presumably, this was the straw that broke the camels back, 'cos a little while ago the damn thing quitely died. At least, it went to sleep in its favourite armchair and didn't wake up. Joy.

Anyway, sole crumb of comfort is that as I write we've been able to apply a metaphorical defibrillator to its entrails and we're currently retrieving said files while it lies in a near vegatative state. Assuming - nay, hoping - all goes well, should be back in action and on the case again.

Not for the first time have I been grateful for a recoverable backup. Makes me wonder about all that data lying on servers out there in internet wonderland - Facebook, Google, Twitter, (OU?) etc. Do those electons ever die or will our digital footprint hang around in cyberspace forever?

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