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vector drawing of Clive Hilton

The vulcans have buggered up the sky

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Edited by Clive Hilton, Thursday, 15 Apr 2010, 23:47

Ah, been a while since I last wrote. Major demands on time and all that; Easter, end of school term for heir and spare, wedding anniversary, hols, birthday, TMA marking (as yet unfinished - eeek!) and now it seems that just as la famille Hilton was due to fly home from ace break to see friends in France, someone has gone and let a volcano off in Iceland without considering the consequences for anyone else. Now that the air above Britain has been turned into something Very Dangerous it transpires that our flight home has been cancelled. As indeed has everyone elses.

As news goes, this is is not what I would describe as 'good'.

Still, we haven't had to endure the sort of mindless fiction from the airlines that passes for excuses in the rail transport system. One can well imagine that had it been Network Rail in charge of the current situation we'd have been blithely apologised to, in blandly indifferently tones, for the current delay to services which would no doubt be due to the wrong type of volcanic effluvium in the air...

It's an ill wind, and all that.


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