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vector drawing of Clive Hilton

Older than Methusela

Visible to anyone in the world

You know how it is, one topic on a forum begins to take on a life of its own. Anyway, here was such a one. The preamble needn't bore you, but this is where it led to...

In about 1996ish - when I was still in my late thirties and long before I had hair growing on my shoulders like a grizzly bear pelt (unlike now, though the upside is that it's cheaper than buying winter woolies) - I was delivering a lecture on post-war [WW2] design in the UKĀ  (Utility furniture and all that) to design students. Mid-way through, one student interrupted to ask me what my own memories of the war were like!

Now I can accept that in the eyes of an early-twenty-something student, anyone over the age of twenty-nine should be euthanised out of plain aesthetic decency, but I still found it tricky to come to terms with the idea that either a) this student thought WW2 ended some time in the 1960s, or b) that the student knew the dates of WW2 but decided that I looked old enough to have not only lived through it but to have been sufficiently old to actually remember any of it.

I had no choice but to run him through with a bayonette.

It was all hushed up.

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