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vector drawing of Clive Hilton

Randomness and faking it

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Edited by Clive Hilton, Tuesday, 21 Jun 2011, 15:23

I've been playing around with vector illustrations recently, with the particular object of trying to make something that looks less, well, 'vectory'. My innate drawing style tends towards the freer end of the spectrum and I like to incorporate happy accidents when they crop up - smudges, blobs, smears, mishaps in general. I think it adds something. The problem with vector drawing is that it tends to be very precise and it's not easy creating something 'sketchy'.

Anyway, here's drawing I did that shows the effect that I'm after - it's all vectors and no post-production handmade mixed media. You might notice, if you look closely, some blotchy bits (white blobs on shirt and 'ink blob' on hair line. The stark truth is that these too are carefully constructed vectors and as such are a rather dishonest artifice.

Question is, are there any means by which a vector based illustration package could be made to create random effects during drawing, like blobs and slips and so forth so that there is a genuine element of randomness, instead of having to contrive it?

Obama - Clive Hilton



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