Kerr, H. (2001) Dyslexia and adult literacy: does dyslexia disempower? In Fletcher-Campbell, F., Soler, J. & Reid, G. (2009) Approaching Difficulties in Literacy Development: Assessment, Pedagogy and Programmes. London, Sage.
Issues to be included in courses aimed at people working with adults with dyslexia
Tendency to use term 'dyslexia' for all difficulties with literacy (p.280)
Intelligence/achievement discrepancies not pathognomic (p.280)
Established dyslexia industry - vested interest (p.281)
Illogicalities/inconsistencies in science (p.281)
Diagnosis - preferable to being stupid but leads to reduced expectations (p.281)
No gene for literacy: "The first literate acts (clay tablet invoices) were only about 6000 years ago. This is some 94,000 years too short a time for a skill or aptitude to be encoded in our DNA." (p.283)
It is feasible that a gene effects literacy (p.283)
E801: Action 1.14: Dyslexia and adult literacy learning
Action 1.14: Dyslexia and Adult Literacy Learning
The Skills for Life Improvement Programme came to an end on
31 August 2009 but their materials are still available to download from:
Kerr, H. (2001) Dyslexia and adult literacy: does dyslexia disempower? In Fletcher-Campbell, F., Soler, J. & Reid, G. (2009) Approaching Difficulties in Literacy Development: Assessment, Pedagogy and Programmes. London, Sage.
Issues to be included in courses aimed at people working with adults with dyslexia