Two things this post, first a part for almost-normal people, then one just for geeks, er, I mean, Moodle developers.
The almost-normal part: if you're reading this, you're seeing the OU blog activity module. So you might be interested in a change to OU blog in our upcoming release. In September we will launch public comments on OU blog, so that people without an OU login can leave comments on your post. If you turn this on, you (the blog author) will have to approve public comments, so that there isn't any spam. Want to learn more in harder-to-understand detail? Read this exciting functionality document (PDF). It hasn't been tested yet; hopefully the system doesn't completely fall over and get turned off before we release it.
Now the geek bit. Basically I wanted to warn about a Moodle coding antipattern. Here it is:
// $thing is some object we previously got
// from the mdl_thing table. It has the
// current values of a row from that table.
$thing->numericfield = $newvalue;
update_record('thing', $thing);
For those who didn't immediately go 'yeah duh, of course not' - here's why. Let's say the $thing has some other field you didn't change. When you call update_record, Moodle doesn't know you didn't change it, so it'll update that as well. Which means if it contains any apostrophes, it will create a database error; and you've just made an opportunity for an SQL injection attack.
Even if $thing currently doesn't have other fields (or they aren't text fields, or you manually addslashes to them), another field might be added to that table later - et voila! A lovely security hole in code you didn't even change.
So, the only correct way to use update_record is this pattern:
$update = (object)array('id' => $thing->id);
$update->numericfield = $newvalue;
update_record('thing', $update);
Well, you could use different syntax (and should probably check the return value), but basically, what I'm getting at is that you should always call update_record with an entirely new object that only contains the ID and the fields you are actually changing (which should have slashes added if required).
As you might have guessed, I'm not writing about this just for fun This precise hole was recently discovered in part of our VLE code (actually a part written by outsourcers, but I'm not saying we wouldn't have done it in house). I waited to make this post about it until our live server has been patched, so this security hole isn't in our system any more...
This hole wasn't discovered by developers or testers here, but by a student who reported something broken (which turned out to be related to an apostrophe in another data item). Luckily I don't think they realised it was a security hole! Anyway, many thanks going out to Jeanette Stephenson');UPDATE mdl_grade SET totalscore=100 WHERE userid=157790021;--!
(Yes that is an old joke. And no the person who found the bug wasn't really called Jeanette Stephenson, and didn't really have that user id, I just made both up. But, if you do recognise yourself - I think rather unlikely since I was cagey about where this problem actually was - thanks. Really.
In reality there are some extra layers which might protect against actual attacks of this nature, but even so, I think Moodle 2 (which doesn't require you to get slashes right) will be a big security improvement. Still good practice not to update_record with all the fields, though!
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Explain this to me please
Moodle uses a PHP abstraction layer[?] to create, what look like, essentially, SQL strings?
That's madness! The very fact that you could write an anti-pattern worries me. If I'm writing my own php/db interactions I at least know that I have to do my own security thinking. If I'm using an db abstraction layer I have to assume that the abstraction is safe, otherwise what's the point?
That ↑ was my geek part. This is for the
non↓What are the OU planning for Moodle? I love the idea of to-the-world comments. I'm always too focused on roll-your-own stuff, dilettante that I am, to do anything useful.
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Sorry for stupid late reply, see next blog entry for explanation.
In answer to your geek question: yes, it is crazy.
Moodle 2 works differently. By the way, I just spotted and fixed another issue of the exact same problem in some of our code (and it may have been code I wrote, some time ago, I didn't check).
The non-geek question: I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say about our overall plans! Also, I'm not entirely sure what I know about our plans (as in, I know lots of stuff but am unsure whether it'll all change again next week)...
That said, I think it looks like we will be moving to Moodle 2, which is going to be a major operation for us because we have a lot of custom code (including this blog) which all needs to be modified to work in Moodle 2. This is going to take a lot of our time, which means we won't be doing very much in our 'ordinary' 1.9 updates at least after the December update [the one we're working on now].
When we are doing specific things that are definitely being developed right now, I usually talk about it in the blog.
So right now for instance, Ray is adding the ability to subscribe to specific groups within a tutor-group forum. (For example if you are a tutor, and you want to temporarily monitor somebody else's tutor group.) I think I mentioned that one. Mahmoud is making the 'more options' forum search work when searching all forums on a course, not just for a single forum. And I'm... er... attending meetings and occasionally fixing bugs. Sigh.