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Personal Blogs

Jonathan Turner

Blogging because you have to?

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Edited by Jonathan Turner, Wednesday, 2 Jun 2010, 11:54

We have been asked to blog again and there has been quite a bit of resistence to it, because most of us are struggling to see the point. I'm gonna add more grist to this mill and say why I think there is not a lot of point, or at least one of the reasons anyway.

I have been searching blogs and I've enjoyed reading some of them, there is one about a guy who lives with no money and another one in Spanish about el futuro del web   and I realised that these both have something that my blog doesn't.



There I think that pretty much sums it up, I don't really have a great compunction to write, not because I'm a boring person or because I haven't had an interesting life, (I have), I just don't have a specific area of interest, passion, set of opinions or whatever that I feel I have to foist on the world (or the 3 other CPs who read this)

So maybe that's why we prefer our tutor forum, that's comunication with a course, fulfilling a course component need, whereas here you're telling us to be interesting enough to publish something for a public, which frankly is a whole different matter!

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Emma Johnstone

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Yes - the most interesting blogs that I've read, including Curtis Bonks's referenced on my own blog, tend to have a 'theme' or main interest that, if shared by the reader is a hook and then a pull.