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Jonathan Turner

Week 16 comments

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Great I just spent 30 minutes coming up with a finely crafted blog post and it just disappeared into the ether! Maybe somebody is trying to tell me something about blogging!!!!


I can't go back and re-live that whole speil again but I'll do an abridged version.

The Kerawalla et al article  backed up a lot of our comments about blogging not being for everyone and people struggling with seeing the point of it.

It also reccommended that asking students to blog be somehow connected withe pedagogy of a given course, but doesn't really say how that would work...


While I'm on the topic of examples....

Have you ever noticed the way that 'expert' speakers often fail to give concrete examples of their theories? It makes we wonder about the old addage, 'those that can't teach', which I would ammend to 'those that can't teach become experts'

Of course my tongue is in my cheek but I do think that presenters could enhance what they do by giving CONCRETE examples. So an example of this would be Boud's lecture that we looked in Week 16 Activity 2. Lots of interesting ideas and a very convincing argument for making assessment part of life long learning, but did he give ONE concrete example of how this principle has been put into practice? He did not... 


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Round of applause that man!

I think lack of examples , the real ones, has been a big feature of this course so far. For example,

Compendium - here's one we made earlier....

Phoebe, LPP - here's one we made for your course...

Here's what I use my blog for......

Here's how to set up a wiki for your professional colleagues...

Here's what happens if you put technology at the centre of a learning activity....

You might call it learning backwards, but lot's of us do I believe!