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Activity 5. Professional politics

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Edited by Arwen Bailey, Friday, 11 Nov 2011, 05:36

Briefly reflect upon the extent to which professional politics may be present within or impinge upon the ideas you’ve come up with so far for a possible research project.

You should keep notes of your conclusions for later use.


the most likely way that professional politics is likely to impinge on my ideas is by accepting them uncritically. The group I work with and who i am sharing my ideas with and I, we work within a pretty shared worldview and vision of change. They are extremely clever and critical people and i expect some tough challenges and thought provoking critique, but at a first order level. I don't anticipate that anyone will challenge the paradigm that i - we - work in. That would shake the bedrock of our raison d'etre, not to mention our funding!! Also we believe it sincerely, in fact we are sure it is right so it is very difficult to see an alternative universe where it isn't.

I am not sure whether the following should go here or in the previous section on power and influence, but there is likely to be some pressure to find results that square with a. what our donors would like to see and what fits with their ethos and priorities, and b. how our Director envisages the future, as she is a very strong and committed character. Having said that, they are all open to evidence and a well researched, well argued case so as long as i do the job well that will not be a problem.


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