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Edited by Neil Anderson, Friday, 2 Sep 2011, 21:31

Us maths bods are fortunate in that we usually get a revision TMA. How helpful this is rather depends on how you are doing—can we afford to treat it as a true test, the sighter that it should be?

For now I'm tackling it using only the handbook [the one that we get to take into the exam]. But that may change; if I've stuffed up my last TMA then I may need the marks to give me a shot at a good result [a very real possibility].

Ideally this TMA would be a throw away for me and I could run rampent. Messing around with the assessment predictor has given me an idea as to how well I have to do for TMA06 to allow me to tackle TMA07 as an exercise. It isn't too bad, and hopefully I should be able to. But... until that result is in I'm in limbo.


Having a few exams under my belt I think that I know what you have to achieve—be able to use what you know quickly. Time is the test. For maths much of your speed is down to your handbook and how well you understand it.

We're allowed to annotate said thing, I never do; the things there should spark what you know, what you know shouldn't be in there. It's a tool, not your brain.

At the end of a course you must stop learning and start strategizing [that is a Greek root?] for the exam. To be an OU student you have to be two people.

One who learns and one who can show that you've learned. Tough if you do one without the other.


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Chris FInlay

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my sentiments entirely the handbook should be an aide memoire nothing more nothing less.

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It has it's place.


Phillip John White

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I'm going to add some of the standard phrases/mantras which the OU expects to see.

f and g are continuous and f(0) = g(0) = 0 so the conditions for Hospital admittance are satified;)


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I'm hoping that they'll be a bit more forgiving in the exam. But your idea has merit. [I really should look at the model answers!]
