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What a mess. I was having trouble with loading a new game from file; it was reading all right, it just wasn't displaying. A realization dawned that I hadn't thought this through properly. Which lead me into having an idea.

Ideas are an anathema when you're actually coding—by all means have them when you are absent from the click-face, don't entertain them when you can actually try them out for real. Especially when you're struggling with some other broken thing.

Utter mess.

What's worse is that I don't have the thing under version control—crinimal negligence for a coder, I might have branched if I had been, at least I would have had a chance to go back.

I know all this stuff, and yet again, and again, I get caught in the web of my own stupidity.

It is fixable, and the idea wasn't a bad one. But I'm cracking out Hg and doing some pencil and paper work before I get stuck in again.


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Lovely skirt

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There are some threads which are quite common in the blogs of yours I see.

I also think that it is quite a common thing for people who do coding & other stuff difficult to concentrate on, fully.

Will it never end?

Happy Christmas. evil

ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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Neon, often I read your posts and feel as though I have been given a free high.  This was one.  I don't want to know what you're talking about.  It's better not knowing.

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erm...just came out.
Chris FInlay

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A mercury (Hg) pencil a bit dangerous I would have thought

Surely you mean crack out the Pb seems like you should do S205 the molecular world (a course I'm contemplating in about 10 years time)

All the best and have a good Christmas or whatever you prefer to call it.
