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Oh dear

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Thursday, 2 Feb 2012, 19:14

I didn't make the daily WTF myself, but I have done something similar...

Here's the PHP file...

[There's another file for creating a google sitemap.] Edit: Actually there isn't, I hadn't noticed that I'd rolled three things into one, I wonder where I use the footer stuff?



$site_root = dirname(__file__);

//my site map
$my_map = new XMLmap($site_root, 'http://neilanderson.freehostia.com', 'map.xml', '/assets/xml/map.xsl');
$my_map->add_omit_file(array('/404.htm', '/blogs/degree/mst121_m263'));
$my_map->google_map = false;
$my_map->include_dir_structure = true;

//the footer map
$foot_map = new XMLmap($site_root, 'http://neilanderson.freehostia.com', 'assets/xml/dir.xml', '/assets/xml/dir.xsl');
$foot_map->add_omit_dir(array('/assets', '/colophon', '/about'));
$foot_map->add_omit_file(array('/404.htm', '/blogs/degree/mst121_m263/archive.htm'));
$foot_map->google_map = false;
$foot_map->include_dir_structure = true;

//the googlemap
$google_map = new XMLmap($site_root, 'http://neilanderson.freehostia.com', 'sitemap.xml');
$google_map->add_omit_file(array('/404.htm', '/blogs/degree/mst121_m263'));

//other thoughts maps

//date stuf so that we update current year and month blogs xml...
$dtm = getdate();
$year = $dtm['year'];
$month = $dtm['mon'];
if($month < 10){
$month = '0'.$month;
$month = $year.'/'.$month;

$thoughts_map = new XMLmap($site_root, 'http://neilanderson.freehostia.com', 'thoughts/other/'.$year.'/index.xml', '/assets/xml/blog.xsl');
$thoughts_map->add_meta(array('description', 'keywords', 'title'));

$month_thoughts_map = new XMLmap($site_root, 'http://neilanderson.freehostia.com', 'thoughts/other/'.$month.'/index.xml', '/assets/xml/blog.xsl');
$month_thoughts_map->add_meta(array('description', 'keywords', 'title'));


The Class file...


class XMLmap{



//root got by constructor
protected $root;

//basepath called in constructor
protected $base_path;

//xml/xsl paths called in constructor
protected $xml_path;
protected $xsl_path;

//directories and files to exclude
protected $omit_dirs = array();
protected $omit_files = array();

//file types to include
//by default htm and html
protected $include_types = array('htm');

protected $use_metas = array();

protected $xml_string = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>";


//should we actually include file details
public $include_files = true;
//create dir structure
public $include_dir_structure = false;
//a real google sitemap??
public $google_map = true;

function __construct($root, $base, $xml, $xsl=false){
$this->root = $root;
$this->base_path = $base;
//pass the paths to the xml and xsl files
$this->xml_path = $xml;
$this->xsl_path = $xsl;



//add directories to omit
public function add_omit_dir($dirs){
//an array of dirs to omit
foreach($dirs as $d){
$this->omit_dirs[] = $d;

//add files to omit
public function add_omit_file($files){
//an array of files to omit
foreach($files as $f){
$this->omit_files[] = $f;

//add file types to include
public function add_file_type($types){
//an array of file types
foreach($types as $t){
$this->include_types[] = $t;

//add metas to scrape
public function add_meta($metas){
//an array of meta
foreach($metas as $m){
$this->use_metas[] = $m;


protected function parse_file($file){
//get file details
//file type
$type = substr($file, -3);
$inc = false;
foreach($this->include_types as $ty){//omit
if($type == $ty){

$inc = true;
//omit file??
foreach($this->omit_files as $key=>$f){
if($this->root.$f == $file) return;
//the basics
$file_path = str_replace($this->root, $this->base, $file);
$this->xml_string .= '<url><loc>'.$file_path.'</loc>';
$this->xml_string .= '<lastmod>'.date('Y-m-d', filectime($file)).'</lastmod>';
//any metas
$metas = get_meta_tags($file);
foreach($this->use_metas as $key=>$m){//any meta tags to include
$this->xml_string .= '<'.$this->use_metas[$key].'>'.$metas[$m].'</'.$this->use_metas[$key].'>';
$this->xml_string .= '</url>';

protected function parse_dir($dir){
//exclude directory
foreach($this->omit_dirs as $key=>$d){
if($this->root.$d == $dir) return;
//include directory info
//opening tag   
$nameAt = strrchr($dir, '/');
$name = str_replace('_', ' ', substr($nameAt, 1));
$dir_path = str_replace($this->root, $this->base, $dir);
$this->xml_string .= "<sitemap:directory path='". $dir_path ."/'";
if($name){//is there a name ie not root
$this->xml_string .= " name='". $name."'";
$this->xml_string .= ">";
//get directory contents
$contents = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..'));
//loop thru contents
foreach($contents as $key=>$item){
$path = $dir.'/'.$item;
$this->xml_string .= $this->parse_dir($path);
elseif(is_file($path) && $this->include_files){
$this->xml_string .= $this->parse_file($path);
if($this->include_dir_structure){//close directory tag
$this->xml_string .= '</sitemap:directory>';//closing tag

protected function write_file(){
//write the xml file
$file = fopen($this->xml_path, 'w');
fwrite($file, $this->xml_string);
fwrite($file, "</urlset>");


public function write_XML($dir){
//the controller function
if($this->xsl_path){//include a stylesheet
$this->xml_string .=  "<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='". $this->xsl_path."' ?>";
$this->xml_string .= "<urlset xmlns='http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.84'";
$this->xml_string .=  " xmlns:sitemap='http://neilanderson.freehostia.com'";
$this->xml_string .= ">";
$this->parse_dir($dir); //edit: this is the recursive bit that makes it all work.
echo 'done';



And the XSLT...

I wrote it about two years ago. The funny thing is that it works. See it here...

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I'm going to have to explain this gibberish—we don't do enough de-constructing of code here wink

This isn't the worst code that I've ever written, but it isn't exactly obvious what is going on. Coming back to it I was lost for a wee while. I was lost because I hadn't documented it in a proper fashion. So, let's start with the Class.

The job of the Class is to create an XML document that represents a directory structure and [optionally] to associate an XSLT with this XML doc. It might create a google sitemap, it might be designed to create an HTML sitemap etc.. [There are some namespace issues going on here]

You're supposed to create an instance of the Class, set various options and then you call the $write_XML() method with the directory that you are interested in as an argument. This, then, calls the, private $parse_dir method. Which will loop through the contents of that directory; if it's a file it will call $parse_file() [with options] if it's a directory it will recursively call $parse_dir() [with options]. That's it. Not so hard.

But from my rough-shod code it isn't clear that this is what is going on. My documentation was of the aide-coder sort, rather than the, correct, aide-user.

If you create a Class, create the documentation so that others can use your class, even if the only others is you. Otherwise you might have well not have bothered.

So the next time you break out your IDE, at least have a pass at fixing the DOCS.




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I started to fix this, and became aware that I need a file parser to create documentation. Java looks like a good beast for the job. That's my weekend work then...

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This is a hopeless mess of sphagetti. Everywhere I look there's an, I'm at fault

Still, the thing works and I may be able to build it better.

I thought that madness would sneek up on me slowly, but it pounced like a tiger onto my , well mind. The kit of my stupidity doesn't care

No one is interested.

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Hi Neil..(I always wanted to meet someone called Neil Stand-upbig grin)..I loved this..its looks like your mind in computer code..absolutely loved this..the start of computer poetry.too brilliant..be well..Anthony