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guardian angels acquired

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Thursday, 31 May 2012, 20:35

I could kick myself for being so lax.

Danny poked me in the arm with a firm finger, "he's not OK", he pointed over my shoulder, we were at the back-gate having a fag. I turned and saw the wee boy eating his lunch in the bike shelter.

It was bloody obvious that we had a problem. No twelve year old should look so bleak and isolated.

"Have you seen anyone have a go at him?"


There is a process to go through. I flagged up the problem with guidance and explained to Danny what he should do when this happens again to some other poor sod, as it will.

I work in a good school, people care, I go through the motions because I know that it will make the right wheels turn ... still. Sometime you need to be creative.

Danny and I were having another fag.

"We're going to watch him?", I asked, twat that I am.

"What do you think?".

"We need to watch him."

The wee boy doesn't know it, and hopefully never will, but he has two, rather scary, old men watching over him.

See, that's the sod of the world: your fond imagining of what you think is going on isn't.


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