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Katherine Tee

Mind Mapping

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Edited by Katherine Tee, Sunday, 3 Oct 2010, 22:35

My new best friend is FreeMind - the mind-mapping tool I was introduced to early on in this course.A mind map of butternut squash, uses 7 branches, all different colours with images inserted.

I absolutely love it!  Admittedly, for my first assignment I had over 6,000 words in my notes, so I really need to cut back on the waffle.  But to be fair, most nodes were single words.  The bulk was provided by the ability to copy and paste quotes and URLs, together with references and notes - and then minimise them out of view; so at least everything was together.

THANK you, OU, for introducing us!

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Hallo Katherine,

does the OU provide that MindMapping tool? I worked with MindManger for a long time, but changing now to Windows 7, it does not really work properly and I don't want and have money to spend.

Any advise would be welcome. The mindmap looks good by the way smile
