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Today I cut back the bushes around my house and wrote a long rambling article about how topology might be applied to solitaire. Fortunately before I posted my crap Doctor Sheldon Cooper intervened.

Cooper is an idiot-savant. I'm far worse; I'm just an idiot. I saw I might be talking shite.

My problem is that I think I'll be taken seriously, like that's going to happen. One of the most important duties of mine mind is to remind myself how small I am.

Shoot me with whatever you have, if I ever pretend to understand anything, ever again.

I've almost lost the plot of the why I'm doing this, this OU stuff, it seems so hard.

I will win, somehow.

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You will win Nellie smile.  You have it in you to win if anyone has.


Sheena Bradley

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I know nought about Topology, and doubt I ever will. But if you have a theory, Neil, I'm sure there will be something valid in there. Remember that 'light bulb' moments can even come in dreams. Get some REM sleep. I can't get any of the lovely and useful sleep, because I foolishly and greedily put my mobile number into an ad on an app (bloody Dictionary.com) for 'a free iPad' (my eye!) and have been bombarded with texts at £1.50 a go all day. I sent one back, 'STOP' , but it didn't. Surprise, surprise! O2 say it has nothing to do with them it's a 'third person contract'. Super.

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Did you swear then!..oy...Pack it in...s'not clever bein' all swearey yer know!(I personally never swear..its just so..well...swearey) big grin Keep going genius...you'll do it!

Be Well


Mother Theresa speaks

Keep the faith Neil. 

This place would be much poorer without you. 

...and you're studying the hardest subject in the world, don't forget. 

It's university...you're supposed to make mistakes, take wrong turns, dead ends...and the audience should appreciate that fact.  Stay courageous, don't hold back.

Writing doesn't have to be right or wrong.  It's your voice.  You can only strive for sincerity and that's enough.


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Thanks all, feeling better today. A case of night-time collywobbles me thinks.

