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I had to take a day off work-work today. Not because I had OU-work to skivve off for but because I was bona fide ill. I started to dress on the edge of the bed, and became aware that I couldn't.

I lay in my bed or in the hottest of hot-hot baths reading a maths book. [When I wasn't sleeping.] The maths book? An introduction to analysis. [of something!!] I read the groups bit.

Too often, as we move on, we forget what we have learned.

Tonight as I tackled my TMA I saw the basics that I'd forgotten.

And realized the depths of my ignorence.


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Sheena Bradley

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That's just exhaustion. Take it easy, your brain will return.
Chris FInlay

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Hope you get better soon mate and hopefully your wife wont dismiss it as 'Man Flu'

It's so easy to forget stuff. I feel like my brain is a bit like computer RAM stuff comes in when necessary and then gets shoved out when the next thing comes along.

Not sure what the answer is. Maybe every year or so do the odd past paper of a course just to keep on top of things. I certainly would like to do a couple of past papers of M208 and M337. Of course with the switch over to October starts this year there wont be that much chance to catch our breaths.

I'm seriously tempted to do the new Further Pure maths course even though it's an excluded combination, when it arrives on the scene probably in October 2014 as it will help consolidate the Topology stuff which I will have forgotten by then.

Jameela Bi

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Hope you get better asap.  smile)
Oliver Thomas

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Like how to spell ignorance for example? wink

Get better soon sir!


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@all thanks for your concern. I'm feeling better now.

@oliver I'd like to pretend that that was meant...

@chris It's funny: real-analysis didn't do it, topology did. I can't see anything without asking myself if I can prove it. I was working on something tonight where [I had to do the equivalent of] proving that 13 X 13 can shares no factor with 17 X 17 X 17. Obvious but not easy. I guess I'm a mathematician now.

[13 and 17 are prime and thus have no factors other than 1, thus hcf {13 X 13, 17 X 17 X 17} = 1 as there are no factors of 13 or 17 other than 1.]



Chris FInlay

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Sounds like you'll be in a good position for your number theory course next year see ya 29th if not before.

On another note I've jsut had my TMA for M338 sent back to my home address despite clear instructions on the back of the envelope for the postman to send it back to only if  undelivered. He must have just read the address on the back and posted it to me. What a prat.  

I'm going to  have to deliver it by hand to Alan tonight. I hope it will still get marked even though it is technically past the dead line.



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Jings!! I always take a photocopy and get a proof of posting just in case.

Alan will be good about this as he always is.



Chris FInlay

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Yes he's agreed to mark it I owe him one