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I opened my eyes. I'm not sure what I thought that I might see, Jeeves shimmering in with my morning tea? Whatever, I didn't like what I saw.

The tent was gone. We were again legs-dangled on a nothing in a whiteness. What was odd was that the others, who hadn't been evident before, were everywhere, all equiped with wigwams and fishing rods.

There were, what seemed to me, rather more of the scrolling numbers than usual. [Thankfully there weren't any strings.]

I suddenly realized what it was that so unsettling about these—you couldn't tell from their size how far, or near, they were from you.

I didn't explain that very well because I have a sense that you don't have, I can feel distance. I suppose that's a consequence of the way distance works here.

So if some number looks very big to my eyes can look very far away to my distance-sense.

Again I didn't explain that very well.  So say I knew something was moving towards me and yet I saw it getting smaller, and all combinations of these relations...

"What is that?" A me was pointing.

There was something moving in a way that wasn't normal. Here. And it wasn't...

"There are two of them..."

"Those are owls..."


"Shite I have a terrible feeling about this, you never found a Puddleglum?"

"The owls are headed our way..."

We were Puddleglum.

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