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an awful realization

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Friday, 26 Oct 2012, 06:56

I've been horrered by edjits lately. They do stuff that I didn't want in a piss-poor way.

Yesterday I had to ease some windows that had suffered the attentions of joiners and painters. For they were not closed.

The joiners hadn't done a good job, unfortunately I knew what their mistake was. I decided on a fix. Hadn't really thought it through.

Which is why I found myself standing on a ladder struggling trying to hold a big, heavy window in place.

A big heavy window that was irreplaceable and might fall on irreplaceable kids.

I was terribly panicked.

Life is like that, sometimes you are on your own with something that you can't walk away from.

There was a moment there when I wanted to die, as soon as people arrived I wanted to kill.

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Sheena Bradley

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This sounds serious, Neil. Not fiction!

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Yes, true and I muffed telling it....



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Been there, done that.  Only I was on my own and didn't lose moral high ground because it was my little secret - so long as no-one looked too close.

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Yep, done that too. My ceilings are 3.5m high, windows to suit. Luckily my partner was in the next room and able to come to my - and any innocent bystanders - rescue. Terrifying! Glad you were OK. x

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Very happy to see you  have survived...and I am assuming the precious children did, too.  wink
