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Personal Blogs

Clare Wood

Feeling a Little Low...So I've decided to start a Blog!

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Edited by Clare Wood, Saturday, 24 Mar 2012, 11:28

Hi Everyone,

I've been feeling very down recently, thanks to a bad winter where I've had virus after virus on top of my existing illness (M.E.)

So I've decided to cheer myself up I would start a blog, in the hope that it's a place where I can vent my frustrations, share my achievements and generally talk to everyone without using as much energy!

I seem to have very little energy to go around at the moment!

I'm currently studying B120 An Introduction To Business Studies (Nov 2011) and had intended to attend all 3 dayschools but so far have failed to attend any! There's one tomorrow which I really hope I will manage to attend, but my M.E. has got worse this winter, so I'm now struggling to hold pens, keep books open etc.

I've yet to apply for DSA as when I started studying it didn't seem necessary, however I'm now looking into applying for it as I keep being sent the forms by OU.

I've now got my course materials in comb bound format and I'm looking at getting pen grips.


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Clare, keep at it, you will win through big grin

Least Famous 'Influencer' Ever

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It's a good thing. I use it as therapy. I just write about anything which comes into my head. Good thing about an O.U. blog is that it's restricted. You know only relatively intelligent people are going to read it, so you don't have to put up with the rubbish you might get with a completely open blog. I'm still not ready for that yet!

Good luck and all the best,

Matt, x


Clare Wood

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Thanks Everyone. smile
Jim McCrory

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I do hope after all this time, you are renewed. It's good to vent the frustrations by writing.