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tired, drunk and dispirited

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Wednesday, 21 Nov 2012, 21:21

Tomorrow I have to get up at the back of four [of the morning] to set up the exam desks that I had to go back to work to strike tonight. Tomorrow I have to stay at work until seven [of the evening] so that the parents' night is set up/put away right. Tomorrow I have a meeting about the migration of the school's web site.

Tomorrow I'm going to have to put up with many moans from people who haven't had their web pages smartly updated with their boring crap, tomorrow I'm going to have to explain to various people that £30 an hour is our break-even point when it comes to lets, "but it's for charity" [that would be a sponsored gap year], tomorrow I'm going to get into an argument with a deputy-head who is going to be annoyed that I haven't done something that she didn't ask me to do.

Tomorrow will be a hellish day. I'm not sure that I care any more, I've had a life-time of crap like this. Situation normal I suppose.

Tomorrow I'm going to suffer even more pressure to attend a meeting about the security for the new build. This is a piece of flagrent piss, they won't act on, whatever is the least divisor of an iota, of what I say—this is an exercise in 'share the blame'. Or more probably, given that they are all saying nice things to me, blame neil.

The people that I work with use me in two ways, they take credit for what I do, because, by some magic they caused me to do this, or they scape-goat me. Why do I put up with this?

Because they are flabby, lazy, bald, fat, thick, time-serving, self-serving twat-fucks who take not a jot of joy from their existence. They victimize others as a prop for their egos. Someone must be less than them otherwise what was the point of their struggle?

I sit in my bedroom with a solitaire board. I know joy.


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Whit? Aw ah rem?

No. Not all of them, I over-spoke.

ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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I was going to post you a South Park clip, but really, that will probably just make it worse.

At least you can express yourself without being unbearably dull. 

Interesting even.


Beats desk-bashing.


Mike Green BSc (Open)

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Be careful with that Sumo Wrestler's diet....may be affecting your moods.

I got into a state a couple of years ago. Was invited into one of the few closed rooms in an open plan office. Was asked whether I wanted to work there anymore. I said 'No'. Could I be made redundant? 'Yes'.

The guy who asked, in Bruce S's words "he's all gone", and I'm still here.