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next week

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Is ECO week in the school. However we were at home to mister cock-up today. Well, I was.

What had been planned were a series of assemlies on litter and the kids' propensity to cause the same, which would culminate in a litter incident in 'their space'. I got my weeks mixed up.

Still it was priceless. All week we have been saving 'clean waste' to scatter. Today Duggie and I had the fun of flagrent littering and watching from on-high the kids' reaction to a room in which they were going to eat their snacks in being a monumental pig-sty of garbage.

They reacted much as I expected, an initial sense of shock, then they just sat down around it. To my joy two kids approached me [out of 1200] wishing to clean it up and keen to do it. I shook their hands and told them we had it.

However, something that I'd long assumed true turned out not to be the case. I thought—given that the floor was chocka with kibble, that every kid would just add to the pile. I knew that rubbish, they didn't add jot-one squat to it. In a certain way it was as clean as if the kids had never been.

Next Thursday we will repeat this experiment, best outcome behaviour will have changed, worst outcome we are where we were. In which case we will try something else.

My feeling is that something else won't work either.

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SXR103 chemistry is fun (2008) :-)

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Philip K Dick, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" (very recently re-read) smile

Design Museum

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Any photos?!

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Funnily enough I re-read it recently too, possibly why I used the word? Strangely unsettling.


I do have photos but and there were a lot of kids I don't know if any of them have signed a 'don't use' form. As I wasn't part of the 'team' that drew up this policy, mistakes much wasn't covered, and although I can anonymize a photograph that option isn't something I feel comfortable doing.

