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Edited by Neil Anderson, Saturday, 12 Jan 2013, 22:18

Too many horrors to deal with? The answer is to catch up with your current course. It helps in so so many ways, I'm even thinking about talking my bank. ...em, perhaps not just yet neil....urggh

I've been deliberately not writing stuff here for the past week; my focus was focused on my maths and my work-work work.This was efficious, efficious in that I got about a quarter of the stuff that needed doing done.

So should I just stop writing crap at the fag end of a night when I am unsober? It's a balance.

I want, almost need, to project screeds of my rabid crap into the ether that is the www. I'd like to do other things too but they must always be secondary to my primary purpose—to inflict my descripton of my head upon you.



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Least Famous 'Influencer' Ever

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Never stop when you are unsober, Neil... wink

Least Famous 'Influencer' Ever

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My rabid crap has to come out somewhere; best it be here. John Walters said that he committed his crimes on film so that they didn't spill over into his life. A safe place for crime to be. Commit your crimes on paper, or screen, where they are only thought crimes not 'real' crimes. wink 


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Yo Matt!!!

You're commenting on my blog and I was commenting on yours [mine was a bit of a downer]. Ace!



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Stick at it.  Gives me alot of pleasure.  Don't agree always, but so what.  I admire mathmaticians
ROSIE Rushton-Stone

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I missed you.  I don't come on here much anymore, but not seeing your name pop up when I did was in no way good!  Stay and spew.  smile

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Cheers all

As ever you cheer me up!

